5 Soothie™ Recipes to Warm Your Winter Menu

24 November 2021

As the temperature starts to drop and we swap sun hats for bobble hats and flip-flops for woolie socks it’s time to swap out those chilly smoothies for warming SoothiesTM.

These hot fruit punch are fantastic alternative to coffees, teas and hot chocolates and a great way to use up your summer smoothie stock. We’ve pulled together 5 of our favourite SoothieTM recipes for the winter season:

Spiced Mango SoothieTM


  • 50ml Mango smoothie
  • 2 pumps Sweetbird Chai syrup
  • Hot water


Pour your smoothie into a cup, add your syrup, top with hot water and stir.

Peach Cobbler SoothieTM


  • 50ml Peach smoothie
  • 1 pump White Chocolate syrup
  • Hot water


Pour 50ml smoothie into cup and add your syrup, then stir. Top up with hot water then stir again.

Berry & Gingerbread SoothieTM


  • 50ml Raspberry & Blackcurrant smoothie
  • 2 pumps Gingerbread syrup
  • Hot water


Pour you smoothie into a cup with the syrup, top with hot water and stir.

Spiced Lemon Cup SoothieTM


  • 50ml Lemon smoothie
  • 2 pumps Cinnamon, Chai, or Speculoos syrup


Add your syrup, smoothie and hot water to a cup and stir.

Hot Blackcurrant Beet SoothieTM


  • 50ml Raspberry & Blackcurrant smoothie
  • 1 mini scoop Zuma Beetroot powder


Add your smoothie and Zuma Beetroot powder to a cup and stir well, top with hot water and stir again.

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